Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

James Pearce

About James
James is a technologist, writer, developer & practitioner who has been working with the mobile web for over a decade. He is Senior Director of Developer Relations at Sencha. Previously he was the CTO at dotMobi and has a background in mobile startups, telecoms infrastructure and management consultancy. He speaks extensively on the topic of mobile web development, and has written books for both Wiley and Wrox. James led the development of mobiForge, DeviceAtlas and, and is the creator of tinySrc, the WordPress Mobile Pack, WhitherApps, modernizr-server and confess.js.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Mobile Web Design Moves

    9:45 AM Saturday   Room: 4301
    Mobile dances to a different beat. Learn how to transition what you know about designing for the Web to Mobile and pick up a bunch of new moves along the way that’ll help you rock the mobile Web.

    Speakers:    James Pearce  Luke Wroblewski
  • Build a mobile web app with Sencha Touch

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 5001
    Filled with excitement about the mobile future, you're itching to write some code and build something special. This workshop will drop straight down into HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create a working mobile web application you can take home with you. We'll be using Sencha Touch, an easy way to create native-looking experiences with web technology. We'll use a variety of user interface controls, geolocation, JSON & CORS-based data feeds, a client-side MVC architecture, and Sass-based theming - to create a mobile app you can be proud of.