Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

Adam Rosien

About Adam
distributed systems, reliability, working at kaChing on continuous deployment
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Speaking Sessions

  • 5-minute Commit-to-Production: Continuous Deployment

    10:45 AM Sunday   Room: 8338
    Continuous deployment (CD) takes "release early, release often" to the limit: as long as the build is green you can push code to production--agility at its best. Companies doing CD safely push code dozens (hundreds!) of times a day, rapidly responding to their customers and reducing their "code inventory". In this talk we will discuss the architecture, tools and culture needed for CD and how your company can get there. For example: creating an effective "immune system" to know what problems are happening; what infrastructure software like Apache ZooKeeper can and can't do, and how to best use it; deployment orchestration techniques to quickly yet safely gain confidence in new code; and more!

    Speakers:    Adam Rosien  Eishay Smith