This session is about your career perspective as an engineer, especially when the path may take an “unexpected” turn from technical lead to first-time engineering manager.
We will explore the differences between managing and leading, review different management styles, and discuss their impact on both the manager and the team member. Finally, we will find out why you do not want to treat everyone equally.
I will share my personal experiences going from being one of the team to actually managing it: the pitfalls of suddenly being responsible for the team, typical problems surfacing, and how to avoid common mistakes. As part of the session, I would also like to share thoughts and considerations about which career path could be the right one for whom, and what the advantages and disadvantages are going one way or the other.
This is not a “You get it all from the expert”- session, but a session to share experiences and discuss how this fits to your career path.
Why writing Clean Code makes us more efficient? Over the lifetime of a product, maintaining the product is actually one - if not the most - expensive area(s) of the overall product costs.
We will dive into why decoupling is so crucial and what design patterns, best practices, and technologies are out there to do it right and want can go wrong.
We start by reviewing the basics of Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection (DI) and different ways of achieving decoupling on class-level, using and exploring both: Best Practices, Design and Anti Patterns.
Then we will move into Microservices, how these push decoupling to the next level and how to combine the different patterns for an extensible, supportable and maintainable code base.
This presentation requires knowledge and understanding of basics like DRY, SoC, SRP, SOLID etc. which are building the base for decoupled architecture. However, we will start at the basics of DI and will work towards intermediate scenarios for DI and Microservices depending on the participating group.
This presentation is based on C#. However, the demonstrated patterns and practice can be applied to every other programming language too.