9:30 AM Saturday Room: Chin Wagger
Every second and every day data is created. By 2020, it is estimated the average person with an online presence of any kind will create 1.7 megabytes per second, or slightly less than 150GB per day. The digital universe is expected to be up to 44ZB (44,000 exabytes).
It is often said that today, the real value of a business is its data, so there is a natural tendency to collect everything we can, but should we?
Each piece of data we collect exposes our organization to new legal and ethical risks that may prove to be expensive, or even deadly to the organization.
In this session, we'll explore some of the ethical and legal issues we face when we collect data, and how those impact our culture, our business outlook, and our relationship with those we keep data on. 2:15 PM Sunday Room: Round Table
You have a growing organization and tight schedules. What you need is more resources on it, and right NOW. The battle in today's highly competitive recruiting market is to find people, but we often don't pay enough attention to the second part of having enough people - keeping the ones we already have.
In this session, keynote speaker, leadership trainer, and long time technical leader and author Rob Vieira will explore the strategies he used to grow teams while maintaining a staggeringly low 4% turnover rate. Examples of some of the things Rob will look into key takeaways such as:
Planning for chemistry as much as skills
Measuring personal productivity by their impact on the team rather than direct output
The expense of turnover, and how it is typically more expensive than the money and time we try to "save"
How to anticipate problems and be prepared to fight for things that will, in turn, reduce turnover.