1:15 PM Sunday Room: PSEC4604
Thank you for considering our workshop for Code Camp this year. Tenaya is a Rogue Maker and since March 16th 2013, has been learning all about Arduino, Linino, and Lilypad Arduino. Tenaya holds a B.A. degree in Theatre & Drama, Geological Sciences, and Anthropology. Her Grandpa was a Tau Beta Pi Engineer and Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineer...so it's only natural that Tenaya earned Phi Beta Kappa in 2005 (of course with much hard work!) She is mostly self taught in microcontroller coding and electrical engineering. Diane and Esther, Tenaya's mom and grandma, taught her how to sew and now those skills are really paying off to use conductive thread to sew LEDs into garments. Join us for a fun workshop to introduce you to sewing LEDs into your own clothing. We'll also provide fabric to inspire you and to practice the parallel circuits. Tenaya teaches a 3 part workshop where we 1) Design 2) Prototype, and 3) Make (sew!) Choose from 6 colors of LEDs with Tenaya's #RogueMaking Lilypad kits. More sensors and LEDs are available through the workshop as well. Rogue Making wearable tech kits will be an additional $20-$35 for take-home materials to keep. Prototyping materials, fabric, and sewing supplies provided. 2:45 PM Sunday Room: PSEC4604
Want to get into the Halloween spirit this year at Code Camp? Tenaya is a Rogue Maker and since March 16th 2013, has been learning all about electrical engineering, microcontrollers, and wearable technology. For Tenaya's 2nd workshop, we'll learn how to sew with conductive thread. Add the patch you create to your costume to go trick-or-treating with LEDs lighting the way. Make a pumpkin, cat, or ghost in felt, and feel free to make your own inspiration with other fabric. Tenaya teaches a 3 part workshop where we 1) Design 2) Prototype, and 3) Make (sew!) Choose from 6 colors of LEDs with Tenaya's #RogueMaking Lilypad kits. More sensors and LEDs are available through the workshop as well. Rogue Making wearable tech kits will be an additional $20-$35 for take-home materials to keep. Prototyping materials, fabric, and sewing supplies provided.