About Steve
Steve teaches after-school, homeschool and weekend LEGO robotics classes, he runs a LEGO Robotics Day Camp each summer. He has taught science classes to elementary school students in East Palo Alto schools, and teaches Java programing classes for Middle School students. Steve began as a FIRST LEGO League robotics team coach in FLL's first season in 1999, and his FLL teams have won several awards. Steve has helped organize many FLL, RoboGames, and other robotics competitions. In 2006, Steve was a member of the Mindstorms Developers Program (MDP) and helped test the original LEGO Mindstorms NXT product before it was released. He is a member of the Bay Area LEGO User Group (BayLUG) and helps with the annual Bricks by the Bay conference and public show.
Steve has a Magna Cum Laude degree in Computer Science from University of California, San Diego, and worked for years as a researcher and manager at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), where he did research and development in a variety of areas and received several software patents.
Steve's other favorite activities include Aikido, sailing, and digital video production.
Steve founded Robotics Learning to contribute to his vision of a world where people understand technology, work productively together, and use technology creatively and responsibly to improve the quality of life.