9:45 AM Saturday Room: 5502
Higher-order functions such as map(), flatmap(), filter() and reduce() have their origins in mathematics and ancient functional programming languages such as Lisp. But today they have entered the mainstream and are available in languages such as JavaScript, Scala and Java 8. They are well on their way to becoming an essential part of every developer’s toolbox.
In this talk you will learn how these and other higher-order functions enable you to write simple, expressive and concise code that solve problems in a diverse set of domains. We will describe how you use them to process collections in Java and Scala. You will learn how functional Futures and Rx (Reactive Extensions) Observables simplify concurrent code. We will even talk about how to write big data applications in a functional style using libraries such as Scalding. 5:00 PM Saturday Room: 8338
The micro-service architecture, which structures an application as a set of small, narrowly focused, independently deployable services, is becoming an increasingly popular way to build applications. This approach avoids many of the problems of a monolithic architecture. It simplifies deployment and let’s you create highly scalable and available applications.
In this talk we describe the micro-service architecture and how to use it to build complex applications. You will learn how techniques such as Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing address the key challenges of developing applications with this architecture. We will also cover some of the various frameworks such as NodeJS and Spring Boot that you can use to implement micro-services.