Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 5th and 6th 2013

Robin Shahan

About Robin
Robin has over 25 years of experience developing complex, business-critical applications for Fortune 100 companies. As President of Nightbird Consulting, she provided training and helped companies architect and develop scalable, efficient solutions utilizing the Azure platform. She is a 6-time Microsoft MVP, and now works for Microsoft as a Sr. Content Developer for Azure. Robin regularly speaks about Azure at various .NET User Groups and Code Camps and runs the San Francisco/Silicon Valley Azure meetup. She can be found on Twitter as @RobinDotNet, and you can read her articles about Azure (and other subjects) at
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Speaking Sessions

  • Put your website in the cloud!

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 8401
    Windows Azure Web Sites are easy to deploy and maintain, and are not limited to .NET development. Come learn about WAWS using Visual Studio, then watch a Mac beginner deploy a website from the Mac. I'll also talk about the differences between this feature and the traditional PAAS web roles offered in Windows Azure.

  • Windows Azure in Real Life

    5:00 PM Saturday   Room: 4203
    Windows Azure In Real Life - SDCC July 2013 Come get an overview of the Windows Azure features and hear about my previous company's migration from hardware maintained in a hosted environment to a no-infrastructure shop with everything running in Windows Azure at 90% less cost. I'll also talk about some cool ways that we used Azure Blob storage.