Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012

Kristan Uccello

About Kristan
Developer Programs Engineer for Google TV, avid paintball-er, snowboarder, occasional privateer, passionate technologist and all around excited geek. Kristan 'Krispy' Uccello has worked in the industry for over fourteen years for big and small companies (even started a few). Right now he is helping other trailblazing developers to realize their goals on Google TV from the Google offices in Mountain View.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Google TV - 101

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 5501
    What is Google TV? How do you build TV applications? In this session we will cover an overview of what Google TV is and what sort of things to consider when building an application for TV in the living room.

  • Advanced Video for Google TV

    3:30 PM Saturday   Room: 5501
    Learn the things you need to know about how to get the most out of video content for Google TV. DRM, HLS, Media Devices and more.