Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012

Bill Scott

About Bill
Bill Scott has always enjoyed technology (25 years). And he has always enjoyed interacting with people (even longer). It was a natural to blend the two loves together. For a long time he couldn't decide if he was a designer or an engineer. He finally gave up trying to classify himself and just decided to live in both worlds as much as possible. This passion drove him to create one of the first successful Macintosh games (GATO, 1985), build wargaming interfaces for NATO, found and lead UX Design teams (Sabre), write Ajax frameworks (OpenRico) manage user interface engineering organizations (Netflix, PayPal), publish design pattern libraries (Yahoo!), talk a lot about it (Ajax Evangelist) and even write a book about Designing Web Interfaces (O'Reilly). Bill is the Sr. Director of User Interface Engineering at PayPal.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Anti-Patterns that Stifle Lean UX

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 4306
    Lean UX is a principle driven approach that pulls cross-discipline teams together in emphasizing collaboration over documentation utilizing fast iterations. At PayPal, where Bill leads User Interface Engineering he is partnering with the heads of Product & Design to pilot Lean UX on the most core products at PayPal. This collection of Anti-Patterns (think of them as behaviors or situations that inhibit operating in a Lean UX fashion) comes from Bill's experience over the years working with agile teams, startups and in the current PayPal Lean UX projects. This talk will resonate with you if you have ever tried to get something done quickly across or within teams. You will come away with a set of anti-patterns as well as strategies for addressing them.