Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Theresa Shafer

About Theresa
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Speaking Sessions

  • Will Work For Equity - the World of Startups

    10:45 AM Sunday   Room: 4306
    Are you considering joining a startup? <br/>Sean Murphy, CEO at SKMurphy, will host a panel outlining important tips and issues to consider if you are investing your time in a startup. This session will explore: difference between employees, contractors, alliances, partners and co-owners; defining the key roles in a startup; what partners need from you; how to pitch to a co-founder; joining a global team. Panel members: <ul><li>Liz Fraley founder of Single-Sourcing Solutions ( ). Before founding Single-Sourcing Solutions, Liz Fraley worked in both high-tech and government sectors, developing and delivering technical design and strategy of content creation, management, and delivery. Specializing in practical development and deployment, she continually looks for new ways to share information and strengthen the ecosystem of professionals around her.</li> <li>Apurva Mehta founder of RecordBox ( ). RecordBox is a virtual notebook for music students which makes the creation, storage, organization, and annotation of educational recordings easy. Before RecordBox, Apurva worked as a systems engineer in the Cloud Platforms group at Yahoo! in Sunnyvale. He has been programming enthusiastically since his early teens and has only recently taken up the entrepreneurial challenge of transforming products into businesses.</li> <li>Carl Ludewig CEO of Ludewig Multimedia ( ). Carl wants to change the way applications are developed by empowering designers and business users. In a world where the cloud, mobile and desktop need to fit together, Ludewig Multimedia looks to take a holistic approach with the next generation of software design tools. Carl's prior venture was the mobile advertising company Ad Infuse, which was sold to Velti in 2009. Carl is a software engineer and musician who believes that creative talent is the key to success.</li><ul>