Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Robin Shahan

About Robin
Robin has over 25 years of experience developing complex, business-critical applications for Fortune 100 companies. As President of Nightbird Consulting, she provided training and helped companies architect and develop scalable, efficient solutions utilizing the Azure platform. She is a 6-time Microsoft MVP, and now works for Microsoft as a Sr. Content Developer for Azure. Robin regularly speaks about Azure at various .NET User Groups and Code Camps and runs the San Francisco/Silicon Valley Azure meetup. She can be found on Twitter as @RobinDotNet, and you can read her articles about Azure (and other subjects) at
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Speaking Sessions

  • Azure for Developers, Part 1

    3:30 PM Saturday   Room: 4203
    In this talk, Robin Shahan will show the different bits of Windows Azure and how to code them, and explain why you would use each bit, sharing her experience migrating her company’s infrastructure to Azure last year. Here is what will be covered in this talk (parts 1 and 2): • SQL Azure – migrate a database from the local SQLServer to a SQLAzure instance. • Create a Web Role with a WCF service. Add code to handle the transfer of diagnostics to Table Storage and Blob Storage — tracing, IIS logs, performance counters, Windows event logs, and infrastructure logs. • Add methods to the service that read and write to/from the SQL Azure database. This includes exponential retry code for SQL Azure connection management. • Change a client app to consume the service, show how to add a service reference and then call it. • Show how to change the connection strings and publish the service to the cloud. • Change the client to run against the service in the cloud and show it work. Show the diagnostics using the tools from Cerebrata. • Add a method to the service to submit an entry to queue. Add code to initialize the queue as needed. • Add a worker role. Add code to handle the diagnostics. Add code to initialize the queue as needed. • Add code to the worker role to retrieve the entries from the queue and process them. The method that processes the queue entries writes the messages to blob storage. • Update the service reference in the client and run it; show the results in blob storage. [edit -- added table storage] • Change the service to use Windows Azure table storage instead of SQL Azure. So the talk covers: SQL Azure, web roles, worker roles, WCF services, diagnostics, queues, blobs, table storage, and worker roles.

  • Azure for Developers, Part 2

    5:00 PM Saturday   Room: 4203
    In this talk, Robin Shahan will show the different bits of Windows Azure and how to code them, and explain why you would use each bit, sharing her experience migrating her company’s infrastructure to Azure last year. Here is what will be covered in this talk (parts 1 and 2): • SQL Azure – migrate a database from the local SQLServer to a SQLAzure instance. • Create a Web Role with a WCF service. Add code to handle the transfer of diagnostics to Table Storage and Blob Storage — tracing, IIS logs, performance counters, Windows event logs, and infrastructure logs. • Add methods to the service that read and write to/from the SQL Azure database. This includes exponential retry code for SQL Azure connection management. • Change a client app to consume the service, show how to add a service reference and then call it. • Show how to change the connection strings and publish the service to the cloud. • Change the client to run against the service in the cloud and show it work. Show the diagnostics using the tools from Cerebrata. • Add a method to the service to submit an entry to queue. Add code to initialize the queue as needed. • Add a worker role. Add code to handle the diagnostics. Add code to initialize the queue as needed. • Add code to the worker role to retrieve the entries from the queue and process them. The method that processes the queue entries writes the messages to blob storage. • Update the service reference in the client and run it; show the results in blob storage. [edit -- add table storage] • Change the service to use Windows Azure table storage instead of SQL Azure. So the talk covers: SQL Azure, web roles, worker roles, WCF services, diagnostics, queues, blobs, table storage, and worker roles.