Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

Woody Pewitt

About Woody
Woody Pewitt is a Technical Evangelist at DevExpress where he helps DevExpress make innovative products that enable developers to deliver solutions faster with superior quality enabling greater returns for their organizations.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Getting Things Done (GTD) For a Geek

    1:15 PM Sunday   Room: 5502
    Got way too much stuff, way to much to do and not enough time to do it in? Much of this session is based on David Allen's best selling book, Getting Things Done, and the elements in his simple, but effective system. It is a very pragmatic system and you are probably doing many aspects of the system already. If you are unfamiliar with GTD, this Wikipedia link ( gives a pretty decent overview and this link ( is the official summary. The book is available at virtually any bookstore for about $15 or less. This one hour should be sufficient to: Introduce GTD to people who never heard of GTD. Give a frame of reference that will make sense when people read/re-read the GTD book. Give Tips and tricks to ease into GTD. Show people how to create their own custom GTD system using mine as an example. Some special areas of emphasis include: Handling the piles of "Stuff" on your desk and elsewhere. Getting your email in-boxes to zero and keeping them there. Tips to make sure your doing the right thing at the right time.