Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

Kevin Hague

About Kevin
Kevin Hague is a Developer Relations Engineer at Palm where he helps developers navigate the world of webOS. Kevin has developed software for more than 20 years within the Web, Semiconductor, Pharmaceutical and mobile spaces. He is passionate about helping 3rd party developers create applications on mobile platforms like Palm webOS.
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Speaking Sessions

  • webOS - Cross Platform and node.js

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 8338
    Have you ever wanted to develop for mobile platforms but did not want to learn all the different languages? Join this session to learn how to use tools like phoneGap to write and deploy applications across multiple platforms. The second half of the presentation is focused on node.js development on Palm's upcoming release of webOS 2.0. See a live demo's of node.js running on a mobile OS!