Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

Jerry Cellilo

About Jerry
I have taught object oriented program and interface design at Foothill college since 1993. One of the first to teach fully online in the country (1993). I am also a counselor and can present a few sessions for the career track. I already created one preso on Career Development for the Video Gaming Industry. Will create another for backup preso on Job hunting for code warriors which will cover job hunting, cover letters, resumes and interviewing tips.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Career Development for Careers in the Video Gaming Industry

    9:45 AM Saturday   Room: 3403
    In this presentation/discussion we will explore the many areas and career paths available in the video gaming industry. We will look at jobs internationally, and what you need in academic and general skills preparation.

  • Getting and Keeping the Job - What you need to know

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 4301
    This presentation/discussion looks at the key elements of getting a job in the computing industry, job hunting, where to send that cover letter and resume, what to put in that cover letter and resume, getting prepared for that interview, networking, references, etc. We will also cover workplace skills that compliment those technical skills.