Our records show that when you registered you had indicated that you would like to volunteer to help out at SV Code Camp this year (Oct 19-20) or in the past. Year after year, the success of our event is based on the help we get from speakers who volunteer their presentations, and attendees like you that offer to help out for a few hours during the event.
Though, volunteering has it's own rewards in that feeling of helping out, we also provide a free dinner saturday night catered by Andy's BBQ, as well as very cool T-Shirt you can wear with pride for years! You can still go to most of the sessions, just not while you are volunteering. Keep in mind though that you must be registered to volunteer.
Make sure you first log in to the site, then head over to the "
pick a job" page.
Any questions, LMK. If you do pick a job, we will contact you a couple days before the event with more details.
Best Regards,
Peter Kellner (SVCC Organizer)
PS: Because we are limited to 800 people a day and the venue is all in one building, we need a lot less volunteers than usual, so if you do want to volunteer, don't procrastinate picking a job.